A confused gal trying to look for comfort zone in this world. A person who doesn't know what she wants in life and what she needs. A person who doens't really know what is the meaning of true love. In conclusion I am just a blur and confused girl.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
When you think everything is fine...........
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yes its the chicken rice ball after the bridge..... then after half a chicken for 4 person and drinks we headed for ice kacang at jonkers street....... but we fail to take pictures of the food as we were too busy eating. Then I wanted to go for the cendol but darling did not want it so we missed out on the cendol but we had ice kacang, mixed fishball, laksa ordered by sis and guava plum juice. then with a full stomach and with the rain starting to pour we went to Dataran Pahlawan mall for shelter and to walk around. We decided to go for a movie while allowing our stomach to settle down the food we ate. Darling and I decided to watch Marley and me and sis and esther decided to sing karaoke. After our movies we went shopping while waiting for sis and esther to finish their karaoke session. Shopping it was for me as I bought nike stuff that were on discount, my kereatase shampoo and shoes. After all that we were hungry so off we went to have bbq pork rice located right opposite capitol satay celup. After that we drove around Melaka looking for my cendol and there wasnt any to be found so we settled for Melaka's famous O chien introduced by sis's friend. After all that food we headed back to KL and reached home at 11 pm. I really pity my darling coz he drove all the way and he is feeling really tired and exhausted today sighhh..... guess I will ahve to sayang sayang him today. I love you darling......muaks