Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Was missing for the month

Sorry guys and gals, have been missing for quite sometime. Ok lets see what happen to me this month. For a start our company's bonus is out and hurray to me, and we had our Damansara's family day and our company's dinner and also our increment. All of this happened within this month therefore had been really busy. Here I will show you some of the family's day trip.....

The trip was help at pd so we had bowling tournament and telematches. Then we gals venture out to go for a banana boat ride.

Then the following week cameour annual dinner and the theme was Zing and Zeal but our division was soo no Zing and Zeal but look what the HQ people came in.....

So did not have the time to go get a dress so just went with whatever I had. Actually I just bought this dress 2 weeks before my annual dinner, but it wasn't for the dinner just thought this dress was nice. Then after the annual dinner came my increment and muaks to everyone at the the top. I am quite happy wih the increment, but am still job hunting for a job in Singapore. So anyone out there knows any oil and gas company that needs people in Singapore please do tell me. I am looking for posts such as project engineer, procurement engineer and ermmmm I guesss thats all. Ok I will update more often in 2008. Fingers crossed.

Friday, January 04, 2008

The long awaited Post

Sorry for the long long long hiatus from my blog. Have been really busy and have been really having sucky emotions. Anyhow 2007 gone like the wind and 2008 is here. A new year and hopefully a new me. So I have been spending christmas day having lunch and dinner with my friends....
See how we indulge ourselves during Christmas and complain after that.Sigh.

After the lunch we decided to burn our heavy lunch by going shopping in Bangsar. You see girls will always be girls, we love shopping and gossiping so when we are free you will find us either shopping or gossiping. I later have to rushed to a friends Christmas dinner party at her new boutique. Not much pictures though. Just one random pic of me not with the boutique's owner. She is a pretty chick by the way. Hahahahahahahaha.

Then comes new year eve, where I met a group of nice people AS, WC, TO and AS's friends. They are the sweetest guys and also fun to hang out with people, Its like you can feel safe partying with them and also you feel like a family. They are the most gentlement of the gentlement if you know what I mean. Anyhow would like to spend next year's new year's eve with them too also thanks to Louise for suggesting us to go to KL hilton for the new year's eve celebration. Love it heaps and also I enjoyed it. Here are some pixies.

Us taking more pixies before the countdown and the fireworks spectacular.

See these 2 guys below are the nicest gentlement cute and nice.

Plus at KL hilton the view is spectacular. Look at the view and the fireworks. Its really the best ever.

That's all.