Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reasons to life in the land of kangaroos or NOT

Reasons why I should go 1) I love the life there. 2) People there are less fake and make more sense (at least the people I know) 3) Love the working enviroment 4) Love shopping there ( that is if I land myself an awesome job) 5) I can dance all week 6) Me just love it there...... ( I know stupid) Reasons why I shouldnt go.... 1) Bad for my kids.....( not education in terms of brought up) 2) U donate half ur income to the goverment to keep you happy (in long term) 3) Leaving my family behind 4) You are second class citizens and people will look down on you 5) Too many Natural Disasters 6) You will need 2 generations to pay off your house 7) Childcare cost a fortune 8) Shopping centers closes at 6 except for fridays 9) so that I dont have to spend RM20k on applying for the visa Dammmm more cons than pros.... so I guess the saying that the grass is always greener on the other side is reallly true. Its alll an illusion. I spoken to my friend last night from koala land and she told me that its not that nice to live in Koala land as the cost of living has gone up tremendously. Meaning unless you have a awsome pawsome job and both husband and wife are working you will live a pretty poor miserable life. She told me to rather live in Europe or Singapore or Malaysia which now I come to think about it is true. Dammmm man I reallly need what to do. To dive into the green grass that I imagine or do look for a green patch in where I am.....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Life at an intersection

What do you dont know what to do with your life. I am at an intersection right now where if I do go forth with my PR application I will leave for aussie land in months and might not be able to have a life like I do now. But if I dont I will be stuck with my parents here for life. Ok I will let the law make my decision. If I do qualify for the point system in July I will do it and give it a go and since KJ is willing to go with me. If not I will stay and do my dad's business. Going there is not going to be easy for me as I need to start everything a new. Need a good paying job and all is not going to be an easy job. Will see how things go. As for me and KJ the only things we need is to talk to my parents which is going to be a bitch I know. So just pray that things will just work out for me.....:)