Monday, December 17, 2007

A rough weekend

Was really busy over the weekend. Sat was my frens boutique's grand opening and I was there helping out. Phew sooo tired..... Then was down in True fitness LM launch and then to MV for movie with my sis. So you see then Sunday just came in less than a few hours. Arghhhhh will blog more later and will also update some pics later.

Monday, December 10, 2007

What a weekend

Sorry I did not really have time to blog in the weekends. I was really busy running up and down and also helping my fren in her new and upcoming boutique. Her grand opening will be on the 15th dec 2007 which is next week
which is why she is really busy here is a sneak preview of what she has.......

Ok enough of preview so everyone please do come and visit her shop at Unit 20-1, 1st floor, 3rd mile square, 3 1/2 mile old klang road. Guys bring your gf along too.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Singapore Marathon

Finally back and able to blog. Sorry for not blogging for so long. Anyway went to the Singapore Marathon and did the half marathon which is 21.1 km and i took a little over 3 hours. Yes 3 hours. However it did not seems like 3 hours it was fun except the last 3 kms were really a hell for me seriously i think i nearly wanted to give up. But bravo to me I made it and I lasted till the end. Anway here is a pic before I went for the run

and for the after marathon will need to wait for anne to give it to me :P.

Anyway here are some pics of us in orchard.....

There you go and I love Singapore, I love shopping there but the food there its not really to what I expect. Food in KL in my opinion are much better. Will blog more later.

I got TAGGED !!!!!!

Got tagged by Tim, So I think why not just do it since I haven't done any before.

*list out 20 friends of mine and answer the questions that follow.*

1. Tim

2.YL lee

3. Caryn

4. Rayne Lim

5. Alex

6. Darrel

7. Tommy

8. Shawnn

9. Patrick Lee

10. Thomas

11. Lesley

12. Anne

13. Shirwin

14. Amilin

15. Jane

16. Lydia

17. Anita

18. Caroline

19. Yong

20. Ryan

See how much I know them.....

1. How you get to know 14 ( Amilin )

From Work ( Transwater)

2. What would you do if you never met 1?( Tim )

Maybe not writing this... and not meeting comet.

3. What will you do if 9 and 20 dated you? (Patrick Lee and Ryan)

Er…they're both guys

4. Would 6 and 17 make good couple ? (Darrel and Anita)

Don't really know probably since Anita is hot.

5. do you think 8 is attractive? (Shawnn)

Depends on how you see it.

6. Do you know anything about no. 12’s family? (Anne)
Not really… just met her a month ago.

7. Tell me something about 7. (Tommy)
I think he likes me. :S

8. What is no 18’s favourite? (Caroline)
Money and Guys

9. What languange does 15 speak? (Jane)
Ermm English, Malay canto i think

10. Who is 19 going out with? (Yong)
I don't really know.

11. How old is 16 now? (Lydia)
Ermm I think she is 25 now

12. When was the last time you talked to 13? (Shirwin)
Through msn this afternoon..... =P

13. Who is 2’s favourite singer? (YL Lee)
I think Lee Hac ken kua or Jacky Cheung kua

14. Would you date 4? (Rayne Lim)
Haha she is already married.

15. Would you date no. 17? (Anita)
Haha no la

16. Is 15 single? (Jane)
Nop she is happly with someone.

17. What is no 10’s last name? (Thomas)

18. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11? (Lesley)
Hahaha She is happly with Anne how sweet are you guys together.

19. Which school does 3 goes to? (Caryn)
Not sure though.

20. Where does 6 live? (Darrel)
Ermm In KL.

21. What is your favourite thing about no. 5? (Alex)
He always acting cute. hahahahahahaha.

Yeah I am done!! OK now for tagging people.. For those of you who see your names there on the list, you’re tagged!!!!! (if you have a blog, or blogs!) ^.^