Friday, October 26, 2007

Life in the office

There there rayne..... rememeber you saying that I can live without the internet.... I have been doing that for 2 years. Now how do you feel now? I can see you feel uneasy, bored and at times down. See this is whats happening to the office nowadys. Not everyone has access to the internet, hence our staffs that does not have the luxury of accessing the internet has to line up and use the only station that has full access to the internet which looks like school children going to school where to have to line up and use the computers in the library. How sad you see. Anyway I can see that smokers in the company smokes more often now since there is nothing else to do except to work and smoke. People tend to feel demotivated and restless. See how technology gets into ur nerves. The bet part is it has only been 2 weeks..... 2 blardy weeks. Anyway aside that, I have been stressed out by patatoes in by the people in HQ. This particular guy he issued the PO and he tells me that he doesn't have it. Great so you do the owrk and you don't have the work. What a great thing to do. I was like up till my head and he has to give me this stupid question. Sighhhhhhhhhh. Anyway enough of rambling bout my work. Aside from that relationship kinda sucks to me right now. Anyway adios rite now.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Should I stay or should I alight and try my luck elsewhere.

It has come to a point of life that you have to make decisions and when the decisions are made I would have to stick to it. You see I get influence by people and things around me really easily. and there come a time in life where I think its now I would have to think and evaluate decisions that have been made by myself. Life may not always be well what we always expect it to bejust that sometimes I guess I have to take the bitter part of life. I have always thought of going a step further in life but everytime I get stuck I tend to give up. I do fall easily but I can stand up fast enough. Sigh...... Life's really challenging for me at the moment....... I guess I have to rest my case now and continue to live my life. Will post something better later.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Life pretty much sucks for me now

Are we suppose to do what people think is right or do what people think is right. I soo wanna be successful in life and so wanna be someone in life. I think I am just being bullied all this while. Used me as much as you want. Throw me here and there. Maybe I am childish or maybe I don't understand and maybe I don't see the world the way you see it. When I earn something I expect to be rewarded. Maybe I didn't do good enough that's why I need to be punished like that. Oh well I think maybe I think to highly about myself. I should start to think for myself more. If I continue to be whatever I am doing right now I will never see the lights again. I wanna see the lights and I don't mind sacrificing all my time and everything. All I want is to be appreciated. My one year is nearly up by end of October and I am not being rewarded. I guess my patience is being tested now. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait......... all I have to do is wait. I believe that if I wait I will be rewarded..... sigh hopefully that happens. Dream on gal.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Playing with fire...............

I recently played with fire..... P fell in love with me at first sight and I dont even like him initially but after the continuous attention and sweet talk I am actually ok with him as a friend. So I'm now confuse if I like him or its just a fling. You see he is soo old, not really old and I get disgusted sometimes hearing bout him and thinking bout him. I just think what sort of weird person is this. oh well this will end soon. I hope.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What's Life.........

I know I have been a really hard on freak these days but the truth is I see life as a blank piece of paper or what some people says as a highway without signboards. I am not sure what I want to do but one thing is for sure I would love to suceed in life. Last nite my company had a buka puasa dinner in one of the hotels around our office. One of my GM tells me that I have a flare in sales since day one he sees me. How can that be true ? If it is what he said why am I still stuck in here. He told me he could see me suceed in life. To what extend is that true......... sometimes I know people tell u things just to tell you. So I don't know what is true and what's fake. Anyhow I need a change in what I am doing. I dont see a career advancement in what I do know......sigh. I need to change, I need to stand up for myself. Life like this cannot go on forever as I know I will never be someone. I am not an ambitous gal just a gal who wants to be someone in life. Who doesn't wanna be someone in life as we only have live once. There you go my update of the month. Will try to update more soon.