Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Now Stuck in the airport

Argh its exactly 1.48pm now and I am in the airport waiting for my flight back to KL. Hopefully this time the flight will be on time. Arghhhhh this is like the 4rd time in a month I came to Bintulu and to tell u guys the truth its not fun. But this time round I had the best fried noodles though. Hmmmmmm Hmmmmm reallly nice
the texture and allll unbelievable. Its some hand made noodles said to be without kan sui. Yum yum man reallly yummy. I could finish the plate so wasted. Wish I could pack it back for darling. He would go crazy over it. But never mind he will be happy to see me back in his arms....hehehehe. Its already 1.53pm and i am still waiting for boarding. But the plane from KL is not here yet so I think the flight is going to be delayed again.......sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I will blog more when I am in KL.........coz no mood and tired

In Bintulu

I m dead bored here waiting for time to just fly off so I can go back to KL and see my darling. Will blog more about this place when I get back and upload some picies.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The friday I got pretty drunk

I was really busy like reallly busy from Monday till like now and mind you very stress tooo from a tender submission on Monday. Therefore me being stress and all decided to say yes to the drinking session from my colleagues.

So off I left the office at 6.30 to pick KJ up to join us at Tao in TTDI. Not a bad place I would say for drinks after work and its really after work and i was there to get tipsy. So 5 of us down a bottle of Macallan Whiskey and 5 bottles of beer. After that I really could only remember being happy till I was home and till this morning when i saw a sms from my GM saying that he will be in the office at 10 am to do the costing with me. SIGHhhhhhh why can't that little happiness last a little more longer.

Anyway I am just happy that I spent the night not in the office till 11 pm every night and actually drinking till 11 pm. OK I guess that's all for now and I have to get abck to work and finish off stuff ...........seeee ya

Monday, April 13, 2009

Work work work

Is currently 9.20 pm and yes I am still in the office. i am taking this time off to blog a bit so that I wont be sleepy. i still have heaps and heaps of work to do and arghhhhhhhh I need to finish it by Thursday. Need to submit the tender on Monday arghhhhh. Oh just to inform all my readers I will be also participating in the Mardigras bazaar happening this Sunday (19/04/09) at Mardigras in One U in conjunction of the wet party. So guys do come and visit me cause we are going to shock you with interesting apparels. Ok I guesss I have to go back to work so I don't have to stay up till 5 in the morning to finish this. Tilll then


The nuisance

Recently there is this guy/gal that has been leaving nuisance comment on my blog and he/she named himself/herself as whitepigkiller. I really don't know who this person is cause it is really gila. So dear white pig killer if you don't know me please stop harassing me cause it effiking annoying and I am sure you would have something else better to do. Oh well I guess I cannot stop people from talking but may I know who are you????? Please common don't be a chicken and not tell me who you are as you are really ridiculous to comment stupid things on my blog. Anyway it was fun knowing people do read my blog and thanks white pig killer for even taking the time to comment meaning you really like visiting my blog.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Bits and pieces of april

Am really in love with Beatrice Looi's design. Will definately get one for my wedding. Weeeeeee....Talking bout clothings tommorow is gonna be the first time i am going to wear a saree out in public. So excited yet a bit nervous. Dont really know how it would be and how would people react. Hmmmmmm am sooo happy though and I can't wait to go to penang for a break. I really think I need a break already from all these site visits and tendering and work. I need to rest my brains.

Monday, April 06, 2009

March and all

March has come and go...

I have been really busy travelling because of work and at the same time have been busy with my other casual weekend thingy. Things with me and KJ has been going pretty well and will see how things go in future but I can see its getting bright. As for work, I really hope thigns will stay like how it is or a bit more better. As for the B**ch I am glad she will be leaving soon (forced or by free will) I am sooo glad that she will soon be out of my life. I reallly think I will go celebrate with the rest of her company's people and everyone else.

Last weekend KJ,E,JC and me went to pavillion for movies, lunch and a bit of shopping and also booze.....We even bumped into patrick and he joined us for drinks too. We ended up partying more back at my place with JC's friends and ended up pretty drunk.

So tilll i blog next toodles