Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tired, stress, confussed and uncertain..

Last night was the day that I feel soo sooo tired that I just went home after work at 5 and just fall flat on my bed and sleep. Yes without dinner and shower. I was so tired that I could not even lift my self to shower. That was how tired I was. When I woke up at 10.30pm..... as normal there is no more food left for me so I have to just go hungry till this morning. Sighhhhh.... but I woke up and had my shower and stilll feel tired. Therefore after talking to D for a while I went to bed. Oh me and D we are just friends now.... there is nothing going on between us just to make things clear. Just cannot take it that if I were to be his gf I am not that important to him. The gal that is most important to him is always her. So therefore I guesss I will have to move on and get my life back. I dont want to dwell in it anymore. There are many other guys out there for me. I am sure there will be one that will treat me and put me in their priority list. I really hope I know what I am doing right now I hope I am right and I hope the decision I made is right. I will not deny that he treats me well too but not as well as I could call him a bf but well enough for me to say that he can be a very goood friends.

Recently I have became soo stress with my work, my other job which I am trying to try out, and also me wanting to change to other companies. I want to be able to earn more. I am 25 and I cannot be earning what I am earning now. I dont want to depend on my family anymore I want to be able to give them back. See what I mean I am stresss........what to do to take my stresss away???? Anyone wants to go for ice cream or deserts... but I dont know where to have deserts.... any suggestions????

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