Friday, February 13, 2009

Delayed CNY post


Ermmm reallly belated post......Really this year's CNY is not much of a different than any other years.
The first day of CNY as the normal tradition we wished our parents Gong Hei Fatt Choy and good wealth for the year and they will give each of us an angpau. After that we have our breakfast and then just rest at home while waiting for my aunts and uncles to arrive in the afternoon to have to have dinner at our house.

as u can see all of us were in red and what is CNY without cookies ........

Then came dinner time and this is what we had....

Then on the 15th day of CNY I was suppose to treat the family to a restaurant dinner and when I say family I mean FAMILY............

that includes the cousins toooo.........

Anyway I had a goood CNY this year.....I wished all my readers out there GONG XI FA CHAI may you all have a wealthy and healthy year...

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