Sunday, July 10, 2005

This is strange

Come to think about it, the people at my work place is jealous because I can so call handle everything that they can do. So therefore they just dont want me to work that much shifts so that they will not be threaten by me. This is just strange , so I come to think aboout it , what the hell just do itlor. They want me to work how many shifts I will just take it, inreturn I seriously hope that when something comes up they will ask me to work lor. I really need the money. So hopefully they will know that

Thursday, July 07, 2005

LIFE ........ what is it?????

Y do you have to fall in love.... I mean you will be stuck with that thing adn then ou will end up attached to that thing. It sucks Being alone is much much easier where you don't have to depend on anyone. But u still do need friends do you? It hurts to be like this. Does life actually sucks or just I suck at leading my life. I don't know what to think anymore. Things are changing and I am not sure whether I can ever keep up with it. life do really sucks. Arghhhhhhhhhh how can I keep my self from feeling like what I feel now. Love is cruel , y everytime you fall in love it doesn't work out. and when it works out, you will have to break up soon or later. Maybe that is life. :ife and rel;ationship sucks. I only like it when u r in love and when its time to get out of it you will suffer. Not unless you can let it go easily
But who can do that. You see even the married onez will end up aloone one day. So y do we need relationships or our other half. Y can;t we live alone and be alone. Maybe thn no one will be able to hurt us. At least you don't haqve to worry who will not like your other half. All you need to know is that you will have to earn enough for yourself and make urself happy. Love is not a must. hwat is important is u don't get hurt. But i ned love and friends and family how do I do it so I don;t have to think about it. what can I do so that my life is alone without all these love , friends and family around me. How can I control my emotions. How can I say no to all my emotions. Even now I feel that my emotions are speaking for me. Is life that crueal. some says its a sin to be a human. I don't knnow what to think and to believed. Maybe that statement is right , when we have emotions we feel sad , sorrow and also everything that comes inthe emotion package. What I don;t understand is if we are born as sins why do we feel love and happiness and joy. How can we see how beautiful this earth is and how can we know how much we love earth and at the same time we also hate it. I don;t know what to feel anymore. I am numb with all his treatments. I don't know why but I still LOVE him alot. All I want is to be love back. Is that hard? Only HE can answer me.

snow trip.....

There's a lot of things you wouldn't know about some people until you have actually lived with that person. They can be really selfish and also self centred. Why do they act like that. Even T acts like that. If they are not happy they don't have to put it up on us. All they do is try to create attention. Have thy ever thought of us the little people or so called friends around them. Do they actually know that this is wrong. Afetr all that you tell them what happen all they do is think of themselves as right not wong. HAve they ever sat down and think the world does not evolved around them only. We have limits. If you don't want to share please do not announced. For the one who knows their mistake but what can they do all they says is I will make it up for you. I will I will..... yeah right. What can you do. Try to accompany me , try to sopend all you can afford to spend on me, try to be nice to me. What if yopu are nott able to make it to your goals, have you ever thought about me. Selfish , all you wanna know is just yourself. And plus what you promise me now............. I mean now...................
For the ones that doesn't know their mistake you will know when all your friends leave you without a reason and then you will feel it. I am just warning you ..... Everyone ghave their limits and we think your limits are welll overboard now . Just think of it yourself you will know what to do I am sure you will. You are smart you wil know what to do before all your friends leave you and start creating their own circle and you will be left out. Besides all that the ski trip was fun. You realise a lot of things from the trip you know who are friends and foul and also who is active and also who cannot play. Oh welll for those who cannot play good luck. Oh yes , i am sure of going snowboarding in another 2-3 weeks depending on whether I have the money to spend a not. How sad I think I have to survive on instant noodles and bread for another 2-3 weeks so that I can have enough money for my trip. so yeah hopefully I will be able to safe enough....... This time a lot of people is coming. Yeah hopefully we can take a mopre difficult class so we can have more fun. Hopefully its not hard , I really wanna know how to snowboard. This is last year so I wanna have as much fun as possible. If its possible I will come back next year and go for skiing agin .... heehehehehehehe ........... This trip has brough me alot of joy and also sadness so hopefully the next one will only be fun and joy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Errrrrr what happen to the world

Why do people judge people by their skin colour?? Why does some people not help their own people ?? Why does people takes opportunities away from people that helps them when they are in need and then just ignore them when they are not.... are they just cruel or am i just nice??? Aiyaaaaa what can I do... I am just a gal in melbourne studying and working to survive..... Willl I survive??? This week is a pretty good week for me earn enough or probabbly even more. Have probably did some studying for the exams. Also had deaps of time spent with T. so I guess its a pretty goood week. Will be going skiing on the 1st ,2nd,3rd sooo hopefully, fingers crossed will bea good weekend since I am already sacrificing my shifts ... means no money incoming for that particular week. so hopefully it will be a good weekend.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Lost a job and found one in a day!!

feeling depressed when I los my job last wednesday but all this mixed feelings between yay i get to have mornings off where I can get to sleep and stuff ..... and since I havent been sleeping much lately I sure need it. On the second hand I need a job so I went and find one. Therefore found one at nite and its a cafe in armadale. Its not far but I dun like working in a another cafe where the boss is the sameas my last.... the difference is just one in the city and one in armadale. So I went to this singaporean restaurant and saw that they were taking people so I ased then I dropped my resume along and wala on that day he called and ask me to start.... ( that was friday , I lost my job on wednesday). THen I started working on saturday afternoon together with sis. Then worked the midnight shift which is from 10 pm to 6 am. Then its back home on sunday sleeping then had to work at night coz they had a function and they don't have enough waitress. So there ismy lost and found job experience. How interesting yet sad.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Time flies

I havent been blogging for nearly a month now. Just finish an assigment and now there is another project that is bound to due somewhere in May. Plus another major assigment worth 20% on stupid C++ programming that is going to be dues at the end of may too and I have not even started or even looked at the question paper. I am so so dead.
Then there will be a lab report due next week and another assigment on Advance Control systems due in like 2 weeks. Then exams on the 7th june. OMG what is my fourth year life become ????
Yes stress and more stresss
Stress means no good for pimples and hormones.
stress means no sleep
stress means more eating
Bad for health and bad for me.
Nest thing to be stress to apply or not to apply for pr that is the question.........

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

boring or bored I am???

Now I am working half days and studying half days on the weekdays
while on weeekends i spend my time at uni on saturdays to do some research work.
So this routine has been going on adn on since the beginning of the semester.
So day in day out eat, work, study ,gym, online, watch tv....... am I bored of my daily life routine or is it just me that is a pure boring person. I have always imagine life as exciting and unprdictable. But now I don't see life as exciting bu here and there will be some unpredictable moments in life. Threfore what does life means......
I am always waiting for that exciting moment to happen to me
Hopefully one day

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A crap week

Last week has yet to be one of my worst week of all. Got all tired from working and then have to deal with assigment which left me no time for T and then argue with T for the rest of the week. HAd to see the dentist and ouch does my pocket hurts ( dentist in aussie charges u heaps). Then had not enough sleep and had the worst week of work , where I was alll stressed up and kinda had a panic attack. Then the D is tying do treat me and Y decent and hopefully he gets something in return. Damm stupid I think D is.... anyway I shall pray that this week will be better since sunday and monday is gone and now tuesday is already half way there. I am praying hard that this week will be good to me...

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Flaws among ourselves

why does girls that doe not have any flaws in their apperance gets alll th guys while girls like me will have to charm guys in another way. And when those guy ae up for them they will not even try the relationship though they have been single for quite sometime. Then time after time they will they people that they are not pretty, not attractive, and all those ugly descriptive words about themselves. So why does people do that why why? I just hate people going I am not interested in him or I am not as cheap as him and stuff like these when a guy is interested in her. Why do girls act that way. Things have to be tested out before a verdict can be placed on it. Same goes with guys.......................................................

Monday, March 28, 2005

Yet another day

Y is it that everything I try to do something good it always ends up in a disaster. Yesterday I went to Knox for a movie and some Turkish food with l, d and yy. It was good but it was crazy. Somehow D tries to do something crazy while in the movies. He tried the caressing and touching thing which somehow totally eww me off. Anyways the whole thing ended up pretty funny when l tries do funny stuff and it kinda amusses me ,D and yy. So we talked after we drop L off. One thing I don't really understand is how to deal with a player when you are not a player. How do one act and think like a player? Do we have to be hurt deeply or do we have to be a slut? I wonder....... If we are not players we will not be able to see a players true face........
I am confused now really really confused.............

Saturday, March 26, 2005

blind dates.........

meeting this guy from Adelaide with YY and also L. Hopefully this will turn out alright.
He is a stuck up guy without a gf and also he is a v***** and he is 31......... this is bad i mean really really bad. This is sad tooo soo hopefully he will turn out alright. crosss fingers....

blind date

Friday, March 25, 2005

Scary movies

No matter how much i love watching scary movies somehow i feel terrify by them. Just finished watching The Ring 2........ it was kinda alrite considering that I only paid $5.70 for the tix. I think the first one is more surreal and they kept on repeating their scares which makes it not that scary if u have watch the first one. Ok i think thats it for the ring 2, i don't wanna spoiled it for others.

ahhhhhh goood friday

thats what i need after alll the work and studies. Now all I need is to do some catchup for uni work. wait but tommorow its Ts birthday adn plus i have to meet oa tommorow and also on sunday I will meet D. Arghhhh I need more time now. I got monday free ................
Oh welll guess I need to plan my time nicely.