Sunday, August 24, 2008


What do you do when you are sooo adly hurt and you can never ever do anything cause whatever you do is just not going to make anything work. I really need someone now to support me to accompany me but I cannot tell anyone what I am going through. I really cannot stand up. i really cannot even move or I dont know where and how to move. What should I do????

What would you do when you are lost and confused. When you can only work when someone tells you to and go when someone pushes you. What should I do......

I really cannot go on being like that being soooo useless being so f*** up and all I can do is sit and cry and wishes that you never ever had even a tiny bit of feelings for this person. I am so sad that T is never around for me and I have been in a lot of emotional turmoil because he left me here nearly 3 years ago promising that he will return for me but he never did and never thought of it. Maybe he is never the guy for me. Who am I kidding. Yes they say love is really complex because you sacrifice everything for it. However have we ever thought are we getting something out of this sacrifice we make. Have we ever thought that if the person never will sacrifice for you and all he does is take from you.

When you know about it its too late already cause everything has been taken from you and all is left for you to pick up your life is just an empty shell with all you can try to fill in but it will never ever work cause it will not be the same anymore.

I am feeling empty, lost, clueless and pain.............

How long must this last for me. I dont want to celebrate my 25th birthday all alone again, not this year again. T promises that he will come back for my birthday and we will celebrate christmas and new year's together but I guesss this is all just a dream which will never come true because he doesnt want to come back. I guess I have to accpet the fact that life's never fair to you........... so learn to live with it as much as you can before it gets worst i guess..

1 comment:

Horny Ang Moh said...

It is OK to feel hurt once in a awhile! Remember it don't rain forever! Yes! I know it almost rain every day! Never mind there are many 'he' in this world unlike the movie 'I am a legend'! The chinese has a saying 'can carry also can out down'!
Wish u all the best & have a very nice day!