Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yes I mean it. Why does this particular gal keeps talking to people around her about me. Just because I dated her friend. Its not like she doesnt have a bf she has. Then why is she jealous, I can only think of one reason thats cause she wants the guy. If it is not then why be jealous???? really dont understand and the best part is it has already been 6 months since we talked to each other and yet she acts like a total B**CH. Who she thinks she is a princess, why does she have to bad mouth about me. Is she jealous cause she has been jealous about the things I do and have before but why? JUst weird so if the B**CH reads this stop bad mouthing about me or anyone. No wonder she don't dare to even look me in the eye....I know it must be the guilt that she have in her heart. Really if you have nothing else to do please go get married and have children then you will be busy. Just dont understand you are older than me but yet loves to talk bad about me to others. I really hope that B**CH reads this and if u are not a pussy come confront me and tell me straight in my face. But knowing her big mouth she will go tell her friends that are friends with me too about me and bla bla bla bla.

Anyway I really have never met this kind of people before in my life ......

Things That i do to make life complicated

Sometimes I really think I complicate things a lot but sometimes I meant good. I think KJ is right. I think way to much for my brain to digest. The thing is if I dont think....arghhh ok lets not get to why I think to much. Friends are meant to be there for you when you need them not when they need you only. I feel that people are more protected when they are with families but when they are in a foreign country they tend to trust and count on friends more, but I guess cause they dont have anyone else. I always have problem with friends back here. I really dont understand why. Maybe I am tooo naive and dumb and people here in KL too smart for me. I reallly complicate things for me I think I reallly over do a lot of things and this really sometimes spoils everything. Oh well whatever it is I still have KJ here to love and protect me no matter what. I really am hurt when T betrayed my trust and told me that he will be back for me but he never did. I for that really hates him. I think a guy should never lie to their other half. Maybe T thinks I am not good enough for him but it doesnt matter anymore coz KJ will always appreciate me and love me. I believe he will try his best to make it there for us. I know my parents will be against it but KJ you will prove them wrong I know. I know u will love and care for me and make me the happiest woman on earth.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I cannot wait tilll tonite I am going to get my cloth for my saree. Then to the tailor it shall be......wooo hoooo will show u how it looks like..

Till then I hope time will just fly by.

Last night.......

Things with me and him have been going really well till recently when reality hits us no wait just me that I wanna have a family before I turn 30 but really if it is gonna happen between me and him or its just a fairy tale. In any case I really dont wanna think about it anymore......just being with him and around him makes me happy. I love his company his laughter the way he shows his love for me. Its just really sweet. With him I don't have to give a lot to receive all this. Last nite I have made up my mind to just try our best to make things workout for us no matter what. Like they say IF ITS MEANT TO BE ITS MEANT TO BE .........

LOVE IS BLIND until reality hits.....but there is always a solution to everything rite

I guess all I can do is just hope and I guess hope and faith is the thing that makes tommorow better.

Till then.....I will just believe.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Getting Young Anymore

As the title says I am old already. Most people my age would have been getting married or married but me still having fun dilly dallying about what's going to happen to my life. Maybe I am not ready for marriage but oh well not everyone is at my age. I think I really need to buck up and work harder and earn my first million at the age of 30. Ha ha ha ha like that's gonna happen but you know what they say its good to have dreams. But this dream is a ridiculous dream how can you dream of dreams that will not come true. So now I have to work hard and chase that dream hahahahahahahaha.....
Till then guy may all your dreams come true

Friday, February 13, 2009

Delayed CNY post


Ermmm reallly belated post......Really this year's CNY is not much of a different than any other years.
The first day of CNY as the normal tradition we wished our parents Gong Hei Fatt Choy and good wealth for the year and they will give each of us an angpau. After that we have our breakfast and then just rest at home while waiting for my aunts and uncles to arrive in the afternoon to have to have dinner at our house.

as u can see all of us were in red and what is CNY without cookies ........

Then came dinner time and this is what we had....

Then on the 15th day of CNY I was suppose to treat the family to a restaurant dinner and when I say family I mean FAMILY............

that includes the cousins toooo.........

Anyway I had a goood CNY this year.....I wished all my readers out there GONG XI FA CHAI may you all have a wealthy and healthy year...

Tour de langkawi

This morning I woke up and left the house a bit earlier than usual thinking to be in the office early. I left the house at 8am and by the time i was at the highway heading to lebuhraya mahameru I was already stuck in a crawl. Arghhhhhhhhh then i heard the radio saying that the road will be close due to the tour de langkawi event. I was like arghhh why la they did not inform us earlier like put in on the papers few days earlier or something. Dammm I will be sooo stuck in the LDP jam. and I can't turn out coz I am already stuck here. The roads will be close from 8.30 till 9.30 am..... who the hell closes the road for so long and also on a friday and also during peak times. Arghhhhhhh.....

The best part is when I reached the exit to LDP from Penchala Link i was stuck in a stand still jam and the best part is everyone was out of the car. Dammmm the roads just closed. so me being me zI got off the car and took some pictures.

This was taken on the penchala link exit to ldp. Seee.....

Then the royal crowd arrives on their bikes.........

10 min after that the roads were reopen. As soon as i arrived at work all my other colleagues were complaining about the bad jam this morning. So at least I am not the only one.