A confused gal trying to look for comfort zone in this world. A person who doesn't know what she wants in life and what she needs. A person who doens't really know what is the meaning of true love. In conclusion I am just a blur and confused girl.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
CNY eve
Did not take any pictures of the dishes as I totally forgotten about it. But its ok I have pictures of what we had for the first day of CNY....
Friday, January 16, 2009
Nothing to do
So wishing KJ will finish sooon. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH never mind at least I with him.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
When you found love
Melbourne Holidayz

As you can see we went to the great ocean road cherry picking and the drive around scenic tour. After all this it was actually christmas and christmas in Australia is not fun cause all the shops are closed. The only thing that is open will be the restaurants in China town, hence I arranged to meet up with my ex high school mates that are currently residing in Autralia. It was quite an awkward dinner but it was actually quite nice to find our whats everyone up to and hows everyone doing. We have changed so much that you could not imagine what we have become and changed since in high school. Then it was boxing day my favourite day of the year when I was in melbourne coz everything here is cheap and prices are really slashed. On boxing day my 2nd, 3rd, and fourth sis actually went crazy like me and got up at 5 am and rushed to Myers coz and did some early morning shopping. We shopped till 7 at myers then we went for breakfast at Hungry Jacks and continue shopping till 10 where I met up with my fren suzy. Then mom and my 5th sis came and we cont shopping at docklands where LEVIs jeans were 50% off. Then my sisters were all tired and drained so they decided to head home and catch a nap. Mom was like wanna go to collins st and see gucci and prada and LV...then mom and I went to collins st only to find out the line into Gucci was like nearly a 2 hours wait. I told mom to forget about it. We went to Polo and the line to pay was freaking long too. Arghhhh looks like we have to line up to go into every shop on collins st. Finally mom gave up and we just headed to Melbourne Central. After all this I was sooo freaking tired my legs were like refusing to walk and my body is like a zombie. I later went and have dinner with T and finally said my goodbyes to him. Got home at 11 ish shower and fell on bed and ony got up at 10 ish the next day. Then came the day I have to leave back to KL suzy was nice enough to drop me at the airport. I really miss her and everything in Melbourne. I know i will be back soon but this time I hope KJ will be able to join me......