Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY eve

This year's CNY preparation started 2 days before CNY eve. On friday I was home early cause our office gave us half day off. As soon as I came home I showered then went to sleep for a while. Later in the evening I started frying crackers for CNY. I was literally frying from 6 pm till 11 pm. Then came sat which is the day before the Reunion dinner. Sadly to say mom woke me up at 8 am to go marketing with her and run errands with her. By the time I got home it was 12 noon already. I then quickly rushed out to meet KJ coz I will not be seeing him for the next few days. Then I got home at 3 pm and started frying chips for CNY while my youngest sis made cookies. We finished everything at 11 pm. Then I went to bed straight away till sunday where I had to wake up at 6.30 to pick my sisters up from LCCT. As soon as we got home, mom was already asking us to have breakfast as we needed to go to our grandma's house to do the cny prayers. By the time we got home from that it was already 1 in the afternoon and mom was busy cooking for the reunion dinner. I then brought my sisters to bangsar for treading as they wanted to do it before cny. When I got home mom wanted me to help her cook, so I was helping mom cook till 7 pm and then i quickly shower after that and went straight to the table for the dinner. After dinner we rest a while before we mopped the flour as in chinese tradition we are not allowed to clean the house on the first day of CNY so mom wants us to clean the floor and make sure that it was sparkling clean. After cleaning we had to do the CNY eve prayers and then we all went to bed as we were really tired.
Did not take any pictures of the dishes as I totally forgotten about it. But its ok I have pictures of what we had for the first day of CNY....

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