Monday, December 17, 2007

A rough weekend

Was really busy over the weekend. Sat was my frens boutique's grand opening and I was there helping out. Phew sooo tired..... Then was down in True fitness LM launch and then to MV for movie with my sis. So you see then Sunday just came in less than a few hours. Arghhhhh will blog more later and will also update some pics later.

Monday, December 10, 2007

What a weekend

Sorry I did not really have time to blog in the weekends. I was really busy running up and down and also helping my fren in her new and upcoming boutique. Her grand opening will be on the 15th dec 2007 which is next week
which is why she is really busy here is a sneak preview of what she has.......

Ok enough of preview so everyone please do come and visit her shop at Unit 20-1, 1st floor, 3rd mile square, 3 1/2 mile old klang road. Guys bring your gf along too.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Singapore Marathon

Finally back and able to blog. Sorry for not blogging for so long. Anyway went to the Singapore Marathon and did the half marathon which is 21.1 km and i took a little over 3 hours. Yes 3 hours. However it did not seems like 3 hours it was fun except the last 3 kms were really a hell for me seriously i think i nearly wanted to give up. But bravo to me I made it and I lasted till the end. Anway here is a pic before I went for the run

and for the after marathon will need to wait for anne to give it to me :P.

Anyway here are some pics of us in orchard.....

There you go and I love Singapore, I love shopping there but the food there its not really to what I expect. Food in KL in my opinion are much better. Will blog more later.

I got TAGGED !!!!!!

Got tagged by Tim, So I think why not just do it since I haven't done any before.

*list out 20 friends of mine and answer the questions that follow.*

1. Tim

2.YL lee

3. Caryn

4. Rayne Lim

5. Alex

6. Darrel

7. Tommy

8. Shawnn

9. Patrick Lee

10. Thomas

11. Lesley

12. Anne

13. Shirwin

14. Amilin

15. Jane

16. Lydia

17. Anita

18. Caroline

19. Yong

20. Ryan

See how much I know them.....

1. How you get to know 14 ( Amilin )

From Work ( Transwater)

2. What would you do if you never met 1?( Tim )

Maybe not writing this... and not meeting comet.

3. What will you do if 9 and 20 dated you? (Patrick Lee and Ryan)

Er…they're both guys

4. Would 6 and 17 make good couple ? (Darrel and Anita)

Don't really know probably since Anita is hot.

5. do you think 8 is attractive? (Shawnn)

Depends on how you see it.

6. Do you know anything about no. 12’s family? (Anne)
Not really… just met her a month ago.

7. Tell me something about 7. (Tommy)
I think he likes me. :S

8. What is no 18’s favourite? (Caroline)
Money and Guys

9. What languange does 15 speak? (Jane)
Ermm English, Malay canto i think

10. Who is 19 going out with? (Yong)
I don't really know.

11. How old is 16 now? (Lydia)
Ermm I think she is 25 now

12. When was the last time you talked to 13? (Shirwin)
Through msn this afternoon..... =P

13. Who is 2’s favourite singer? (YL Lee)
I think Lee Hac ken kua or Jacky Cheung kua

14. Would you date 4? (Rayne Lim)
Haha she is already married.

15. Would you date no. 17? (Anita)
Haha no la

16. Is 15 single? (Jane)
Nop she is happly with someone.

17. What is no 10’s last name? (Thomas)

18. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11? (Lesley)
Hahaha She is happly with Anne how sweet are you guys together.

19. Which school does 3 goes to? (Caryn)
Not sure though.

20. Where does 6 live? (Darrel)
Ermm In KL.

21. What is your favourite thing about no. 5? (Alex)
He always acting cute. hahahahahahaha.

Yeah I am done!! OK now for tagging people.. For those of you who see your names there on the list, you’re tagged!!!!! (if you have a blog, or blogs!) ^.^

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Something new

My old mouse died on me 2 weeks ago ( the one i use for my office lappy). So I requested a new mouse from the IT department and it took them 2 weeks to get me a new mouse but look I got this pink logitech mouse

and look at it sooo cute. It looks better than my old one. Oh the new one has a clip so i can roll the wire up. He he he he.

Look at it so awful the old one.

Ok enough of my mouse.

I have ermmm say 2 more days before I go to Singapore for the Standard Chartered run. I have not even packed, or thought about what to wear. This is a disaster coz the gals wanna go clubbing on Sunday night after the run and probably get a bit pissed...not sure about that. Anyways I know I have to bring my heels and my running shoes and a slippers. The rest not sure yet. I have not even change my money let alone plan what to do in Singapore. My plans over there are very unpredictable at the moment as I have not have any firm confirmations on the people that is going out with me. So its just going to be an impromtu thing I think. The only thing that is confirm till dat is I have to collect my running bibs upon arrival which is a Sat and also I would have to run the 21km marathon. Whether I will finish it a not that will be another problem. Hmmmmm lets just pray I will finish. Time doesn't matter. So I think I better get it running man and oh ya I will be off work onMonday as I will only be back from Singapore on Monday. Will try to take many many pics. Hopefully anne can take my dying picture at the finishing line.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Random post

I am really bored now. Was like super busy this morning till now. Damm I hate it when you have to get everthing done before 3 pm. Then what I am going to do after that. Sit and blog. Anyway I dont really know what to blog about. One guy told me se*x ok fine I will but what about se*x should I post about. Hmmmm

********** Still Thinking ********** will blog back when I know what to blog about*******

Sunday, November 25, 2007

More random Pics

Here are some on my dog. Tell me if you love him tooo.

Look he looks soo innocent.

We let him in the house and he starts to get all excited.

I think he thinks why am I still snaping pics on him.

trying to calm him down

You see I told you soo hard to get him to stay still.

And then he fell asleep after 2 hours of excitment and no one wanna play with him anymore. So he fell asleep. He is sooo a house dog. Maybe we should let him in the house more often.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bye bye Lesley

Last night one of our best friend decided to host a farewell party for Lesley as she is going to work in Singapore beginning mid of Dec. Good Luck to you Lesley and we will definately miss you. We had heaps of fun together hopefully we will be able to go for more trips together. Anyway will be stuck at home for today and tomorrow as the whole of KL will be having road block, oh wait not only KL PJ too, as there is something going on. I am not really sure whats going on anyway just know that I will be caught in a major traffic jam if I deide to go anywhere. Can you believe it I am so ignorant about whats happening around me. So here I am at home blogging away, arranging my music and trying to clean my closet up. Too many clothings already. Hahahahahahahahaha. Oh forgot to say thanks to Lydia for the wonderful cake really nice.

Doesn't it look good. It also taste good. She bought it somewhere in Aman Suria, will update where later.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Singapore Marathon here I come

So I called up the people in Singapore to ask if I could change the 21kms category to 10kms but they say no last minute changes. Darn. Means by hook or by crook I have to run the 21kms. I hope I survive and not come back at 12 pm. That would be funny though. Then i can blog all about me and how I survived or died next week. The marathon will be on the 2nd dec so I will be catching a bus down with les, anne and shirwin on sat morning 8 am. Guess what guys I will be staying the Marina Mandarin and thanks to my fren we are having this room

and its gonna be on the top floor and also sea view.

wah hahahahahahahahaha.

As for the marathon ermmmmmmm fingers cross I survive. I hope i got enuff $$ to go shopping just a bit only.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I am really getting bored in the office now. Its not like I have nothing to do its just I am sooo freaking lazy to do. I soo have to clean my desk it looks like a paper trash.... look

You see what I mean. This is the cause of 1/3 of a project that was finally delivered last sat. Now I got 2/3 more to go. Shits man. Sighh man reallly, so I think there will gonna be more papers starting next week as I have one whole free week before phase 2 and 3 begins. So from today till friday someone please please entertain me as I will be on msn chatting away. Sooo wannna die of boredness. Will update later again I think if I am really reallly bored again.

Empty office

This week my office is nearly empty. Just like hari raya or chinese new year time. Hahahahahaha

Look I have prove my project department at 11 am

See how empty. Hahahahahahahaha.

I am bored

Really Bored entertain me please someone.

Friday, November 16, 2007


You see nowadays I have to have at least 2 glasses of wine to put me to sleep. I feel soo tired and stress. The only thing that I am happy is because I can shop for cheap and nice clothings. Sighhhh....... Feeling depress and tired and stress. I looked like a mummy right now. Sighhh. What a thing to do la. Seriously i am sooo sooo sooo blur these days. I can day dream when I drive and best part is I am doing stuff just like a robot. Sighh. What a life. I need a holiday or a break if not I will definately break down and cry. Wait I did cry but not the break down part. Anyhowz I hope I can have a great weekend and be happy bout it la.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Some random pics my fren found.

Recently there is this fren that gave me some random pictures that are quite cute anyway I will just post them and let you guys decide whether its cute.

Stress for no reason.

Recently I have been pulling all my hairs out to figure and get things done, but when things are done your way the managers will put the blame on you even though it is done. See now in life I believe there is no good deed for people who get s things done. No one wants to bare the responsibilities so in return you get blame because afterall you are just a JUNIOR and to them you don't need the money to feed your family. Excuse me seriously for whoever that is thinking like that. All I can say that you are such a pervert and a fool. Don't backstab and make sure you bare all the mistakes you did and keep to your bloody promises. Don't be a sissy and pull my hair from behind tell me straight forward.

Anyhows I will get over it soon. I am a strong gal. I will stand up and face you. I will and I will do it and will survive.

Monday, November 12, 2007

My Dog

Here are some pics of my dog his name is Benson but we call him Ben. Anyhow here are some pics of him.

Mom was teaching him to do some tricks. I have no idea what. Mom is always teaching him something from sitting to fetching newspaper to now the latest one i think it was sleep. Hahahahahahaha.

You see he really sleeps hahahahahaha.
I know he is huge but he is also cute and ermmmm he is scared of mice. Really funny.
He was much cuter and smaller when he was a baby now at a year and a bit more he is offically a monster in the outside and a baby in the inside. I love him. Muaks.
Hope my parents will allow me to have a smaller dog in future.
Thats all for now.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What do you do when you are drunk??

i was soo sooo sooo pissed last night that I did not know who really and what I talked about. That was really bad. You see when you don' get use to drinking anymore like last time you get drunk really easily 1 bottle of red wine thats all it takes. You see when a girl is drunk either they tend to do funny funny stuff or they vomit or they start talking and yakking non stop. Just make sure you get them just drunk not sober not overly drunk. Ha ha ha . WHAT THE **** am I talking about you see the after effect. Ok anyway was soo lucky I was home and drunk hahahaha. Couldn't really sleep till 1 sumething am and woke up at 4 am. The best part is I dun even feel tired now. Maybe I will later. As for yesterday I made lunch and dinner for the family. As for today I will attempt to make vietnamease spring roll and spaghetti marinara for lunch and hopefully my barbeque wings will work out ok for dinner. Will try to take pictures before digging in later. Wish me luck and will also blog about the success of it. Thats all folks and oh ya I will also be uploading my dog pics up later so you can see how cute he is. Mind you he is a bit big but trust me only in size.

Friday, November 09, 2007

What do you do when u feel like crying.

What do you do when life is not what you think it will be. You go out with some nice frens and eat... this

and then you feel like this

For her she feels pretty for me I feel happy again and for him I dunno never even asked him.

when you feel like this you will start eating all these

So at the end of the day after all these eating and bitching you feel all goood and so wanna sleep. Thats what I did the whole last night. slept from 9 pm till this morning 7 am. Today I feel soo fresh and also I feel like this is going to be a good weekend for me. Yeee haaaa...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Blurred by I don't know what.

What do you do when you suddenly hit a crossroad and you don't know what is your next step? What do you do when suddenly you don't have the directions in life anymore. Do you turn away, move on or just let life pass by you slowly one minute at a time. You see when you in my position somehow you will become clueless. I can blurry see many doors opening up for me but yet somehow I cannot seem to decide which door to open. I guess some people says that I am confused.

You see the thing is when you don;t have the correct leader to lead it will also be a problem. What should I do???

Continue here or move on that is the question.

Oh welll I guess i have to just think of a way out I am 24 and old enough to make my own decision in life and I am not going to let anyone ruining it even if it has to take my life away. I will fight for my rights and also for what I deserve till the end.

Please tell me what I should do.

Oh ya do any of you guys know how do you cure shopaholics?????
I need the cure asap before I dry out my bank account.

Friday, November 02, 2007

A nite in Country Heights

Last weekend I had a really great time in Kajang country heights. Shirwin was soo nice to invited us for the night. Anyway after all the food and alcohol we ended up like this

Look lesley is either really drunk or she is sober and Jane is starting to act really cute and all of us are just too blur to notice what happen. Look what else we did.......

You seee really I have nothing to say and we just went to bed later....
Anyway I was blur too.
Ok this will blog soon.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Life in the office

There there rayne..... rememeber you saying that I can live without the internet.... I have been doing that for 2 years. Now how do you feel now? I can see you feel uneasy, bored and at times down. See this is whats happening to the office nowadys. Not everyone has access to the internet, hence our staffs that does not have the luxury of accessing the internet has to line up and use the only station that has full access to the internet which looks like school children going to school where to have to line up and use the computers in the library. How sad you see. Anyway I can see that smokers in the company smokes more often now since there is nothing else to do except to work and smoke. People tend to feel demotivated and restless. See how technology gets into ur nerves. The bet part is it has only been 2 weeks..... 2 blardy weeks. Anyway aside that, I have been stressed out by patatoes in by the people in HQ. This particular guy he issued the PO and he tells me that he doesn't have it. Great so you do the owrk and you don't have the work. What a great thing to do. I was like up till my head and he has to give me this stupid question. Sighhhhhhhhhh. Anyway enough of rambling bout my work. Aside from that relationship kinda sucks to me right now. Anyway adios rite now.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Should I stay or should I alight and try my luck elsewhere.

It has come to a point of life that you have to make decisions and when the decisions are made I would have to stick to it. You see I get influence by people and things around me really easily. and there come a time in life where I think its now I would have to think and evaluate decisions that have been made by myself. Life may not always be well what we always expect it to bejust that sometimes I guess I have to take the bitter part of life. I have always thought of going a step further in life but everytime I get stuck I tend to give up. I do fall easily but I can stand up fast enough. Sigh...... Life's really challenging for me at the moment....... I guess I have to rest my case now and continue to live my life. Will post something better later.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Life pretty much sucks for me now

Are we suppose to do what people think is right or do what people think is right. I soo wanna be successful in life and so wanna be someone in life. I think I am just being bullied all this while. Used me as much as you want. Throw me here and there. Maybe I am childish or maybe I don't understand and maybe I don't see the world the way you see it. When I earn something I expect to be rewarded. Maybe I didn't do good enough that's why I need to be punished like that. Oh well I think maybe I think to highly about myself. I should start to think for myself more. If I continue to be whatever I am doing right now I will never see the lights again. I wanna see the lights and I don't mind sacrificing all my time and everything. All I want is to be appreciated. My one year is nearly up by end of October and I am not being rewarded. I guess my patience is being tested now. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait......... all I have to do is wait. I believe that if I wait I will be rewarded..... sigh hopefully that happens. Dream on gal.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Playing with fire...............

I recently played with fire..... P fell in love with me at first sight and I dont even like him initially but after the continuous attention and sweet talk I am actually ok with him as a friend. So I'm now confuse if I like him or its just a fling. You see he is soo old, not really old and I get disgusted sometimes hearing bout him and thinking bout him. I just think what sort of weird person is this. oh well this will end soon. I hope.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What's Life.........

I know I have been a really hard on freak these days but the truth is I see life as a blank piece of paper or what some people says as a highway without signboards. I am not sure what I want to do but one thing is for sure I would love to suceed in life. Last nite my company had a buka puasa dinner in one of the hotels around our office. One of my GM tells me that I have a flare in sales since day one he sees me. How can that be true ? If it is what he said why am I still stuck in here. He told me he could see me suceed in life. To what extend is that true......... sometimes I know people tell u things just to tell you. So I don't know what is true and what's fake. Anyhow I need a change in what I am doing. I dont see a career advancement in what I do know......sigh. I need to change, I need to stand up for myself. Life like this cannot go on forever as I know I will never be someone. I am not an ambitous gal just a gal who wants to be someone in life. Who doesn't wanna be someone in life as we only have live once. There you go my update of the month. Will try to update more soon.

Friday, July 06, 2007

My Penang Bridge marathon Run + makan makan

This is sooo sooo tiring, my trip up to Penang for a marathon wait let me correct that a quarter marathon because its just a 10 km fun run. Hahaha the way they put it 10 kms. Any way I went with my sis, rpmgal, swan gal and runner gal. So we caught the bus to penang on friday night but runner gal did not come along with us on friday cause she had something to do. Therefore she caught the next bus in the morning. Any way we reached penang at 4.30 am and we were hoteless. Luckly there was chilipadi that voluntereed to pick us and took us to the original kayu behind vistana hotel. Hence we were there eating 2 breakfast till 7 am then off to FF in IP and rpm gal and swan decided to sleep in the ff bathroom. So funny , chillipadi and sis did bit of workout. Then chillipadi got bored so she decided to go to the beach, therefore off we went to the beach. Here are some pictures......

The four of us , swan took it. Look at rpmgal rrr until soo thin....

Me and chillipadi. She is sooo cute...........dun u love her.

Look at the amount of foof we ate.... shitzzzz man
This looks like we ate a whole village full of food and yet it cost us less than RM 60.
Cheap ya.
So next day me rpmgal and swan went for the run. Guess what that runner gal came back in 3 and half hours and the best part is she ran 42kms. Yes thats y she is runner gal and crazy women tooo. Don't really know how she did it, anyhows we got lunch from her so alls good.
I guess thats all about my running and eating trip. Till the next running and eating trip comes I will have to be on a diet now. Sigh sigh..................

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Gals fight or Cats fights

A while ago I kinda had a fight (verbal fight la) with this gal friend of mine. I mean she is kinda unappreciative so okay I over reacted and so does the bf unappreciative. Anyway hope they will be able to live with that stupid ego forever. He did not even say thank you. What a jerk. As for her no friends ma no friends lor. I am like ok. Thought she will cool off. No no she did not she really thinks friends come soo easily and friends do not fight. Oh well maybe she really thinks soo that is why at one time she can tell me I don't have many friends. I mean come on man don't be soo cool u r pretty. Some one will like u one day and poof out of no where I did a good thing and what I got a a good person full of rubbish. Anyway enuf of bragging. Lets just say its be being dumb and stupid. Never trust a friend that has no friends. If that make sense.
Anyway I will let cool soon.

I am back

Sorry for the long hiatus from this blog. I guess I really have not been blogging for a really long time. Kinda miss blogging at times but oh well okok let me see what I have done soo far since november last year. I am still loving that red dog. I am thinking i I should get back with the train and just be a happy women. I am in the midst of doing really nothing much. I am going round and round in circles in bs. I am doing nothing much in life. Have been shopping heaps. Ermm took up pt but not much weight lost.... sigh sigh. Ermmm started running marathons since March and am looking forward to my first half marathon in Dec....fingers crossed i finished the marathon. Am looking forward to frens getting married.. means less frens to go shopping also means more money saved=getting my dream car earlier. As for guys not many in the process at the moment as I really think they kinda suck at times. Ok that was quick all in less than 20 lines. Will have more proper updates and proper pics later.

On the other note I have been to perhentian on May had heaps of fun. hehe photos here ya....

all of us trying to do something funny.
me and adeline in perhentian. ain't
she pretty.