Monday, November 16, 2009

How time flies

Its been a year since me and Thomas actually broke up. If I were to say that I don't miss him, its not true. We have been together for over 6 years before we call it off. Maybe because we were far away from each other for 3 years plus. Or maybe its just me wanting security in life. Anyhow its all over and K has been in my life ever since we broke off. K has been caring and loving and understanding. Unfortunately my parents does not really approve of this relationship. I really don't know what I should do. Should I just be with him because of my feelings or should I be selfish and think about what I want in life.
Sometimes I feel like I should throw everything away and wishes that time will just fast forward in front of me till I am gone. I now live my life day by day minutes by minutes and seconds by seconds. Whatever that comes by me I will have to face it.
It feels like I let my life crumbled and fall because I wasn't brave enough to make the decision and step up 3 years back. Maybe things will be different then. Maybe I will not be this lost. What are you fighting for in life.........
What are you hoping for in life...........
I just feel lost and insecure..................
There is this hole in my heart that is growing bigger as time pass by.
K told me to be patient and things will be fine.
Maybe he is right. I will just sit here and go on with my life and hopes that one day i will see the light in this dark tunnel that I am in.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Given Up

I have thought it over and have given up hope in marriage and family. I don't ever think I will be able to get married have kids and also have a happy family like any other girls. I just think that whatever hope I have has been ruined by Thomas Lau Li Hwa. Promises after promises, hopes after hopes. Still he has to be selfish and all. What do I have to say when I have wasted all my youth years waiting for a person. Oh well I guess karma will come to him one day. On the other hand mom doesnt want me to be with KJ because he is of different race. She feels that I won't be happy and all. If mom will go to the extend of disowning me what should I do. Leave my family for KJ or leave KJ for my family. Seriously I don't know what to do. Maybe I should just be alone forever. Anyway I will be too old to know anyone now already. might as well just be alone. My parents wants me to build a career, have my own company one day but I don't see the point as even I were to have a company I don't have anyone to share my happiness and sadness with and what is the point working so hard when at the end of the day when you come home you will still be greeted by an empty house. Who am I to blame........I guess my life is meant to be like this. No matter what I do I am meant to fail in having a family and kids. I reallly do want to get married have kids and also a home. I want to be able to bring life into this world. But probably this is not and never my faith.

Its not that I don't love KJ but just that its going to be impossible to have a family with him. My family won't accept it and how would his family react to all of this when they find out. I really ran out of ideas on what to do. How long is Kj willing to wait. Is he gonna be like Thomas and leave me for another girl in future if I cannot get marry to him. I really have no idea. We will see by then. I know its not fair to you KJ but then I really don't know what to do.

I reallly don't want to go out and look anymore. i don't want to love a person adn to find out my parents are not ok with him. I hate it. i rather not look anymore plus KJ treats me very well and loves me a lot. I just don't know what to do. Hopefully one day things will be clear for me. As for now I just want to be alone. I think maybe my mom wants me to be alone for the rest of my life.
I don't think I can take being alone for the rest of my life. Maybe I will just kill myself before i get old and sick and lonely.

I think I will not ever be that person who is always happy and cheerful anymore. That person is dead. Now I am just going to take one day at a time till the time comes. Therefore since my parents brought me up, paid for my education, my life is theirs and hence I will do whatever they want me to do. So I guess i will try my very best to concentrate on thinking about something to build a company up. As for what I am doing it, its all because of my parents.

Therefore, from today onwards I have to learn to live alone, take care of myself and also but a funeral insurance for myself. In case when I die who is going to settle my funeral. I have decided to not to burried but just cremate and throw my ashes into the sea or some forest so in future since there is not going to be anyone to visit me so I guess leave nothing behind is the best.

So we will see how it goes. As for now just be happy for what I have and be glad that I still have people that loves me.

Friday, October 02, 2009

I am ALIVE !!!!

Hey there I very very much alive. I havent been blogging lately because

i) I dont know what to write about...its not that nothing is happening to my life its just some
things i cannot blog about due to the sensitivity of the issue.
ii) I have been an emotional pot recently and its alll because of .......... I dont know why oh why..hence cannot concentrate on work and all.
iii) Been travelling a lot due to work

and 10 000 more other stupid reasons.

Recently i have been a super duper emo pot ( as I mentioned) cause I really don't know what to do with my pathetic little life. I have nothing much to look forward to as I see my life just passes by like that.

Maybe because I have lost all hopes after ..... Until today I cannot tell myself there is still hope. The way I see things changed day by day. I am starting to not hope for anything to happen to my life. I am starting to tell myself not to look forward to anything in life. Maybe then one day I will be able to come out of the dark and see the bright light again.

I am not sure what have I done wrong...
Maybe life's unfair and when shits happen u have to live with it and suck it up and continue the journey.

Till I blog next....tata

Friday, June 19, 2009

Losing it

I think recently I have been tooo emotional and always losing it on little little things. I sometimes think I think tooo much. I think about getting married before I turn 30 but what if it doesnt happen......What should i do, to be honest I reallly don't know. What I know right now is to be happy in whatever I do. I will be off to east coast again next week. Realllly starting to feel old already coz i get tired easily and lethargic easily. realllly age is catching up on me sigh........

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Me in June

I am sooo sorrry I havent updated this blog for a long long time..
So here goes. What happen to me in June.

I recently got a raise from my current work place and it was a good raise despite us facing a bad economy. I was happy but also was pretty upset with my CEO because he is reallly being hard on my department, but its all work right.

Kajen and I are getting along better and better I would say. He understands me and loves me a lot. I am really happy to have him and really hope things will work out. I celebrated his birthday by surprising him in the office with cupcakes. I really could not describe the look on his face when i surprised him. :)

Ok back to work will blog later.......

Friday, May 15, 2009


Recently darling and I have decided that for a better future we should move to Australia and since I have been studying in Melbourne we decided to move to Melbourne. Besides there are much more oppurtunities for darling to persue his graphics career there. So will just wait till I get my pr which i hope will be soon and we will plan on where to reside and what to do. Luckly one of my friend has a company there and is willing to ask me to work for him. So hopefully by that time the offer will still be valid and things will be much easier for us. Darling promised me that we can have doggies when we are there.. woooo hooooo.

I really can't wait its like a fairy tale to me now.

I love you darling.....muaks

MDG Finals

Tonite is the night...I am going for the mdg finals in curve. Darling manage to get me the VIP pass so we are going to be there tonite. He he he. I will post some pictures up after tonite. Who do you think will win the MDG season 2.... Will it be Dawn the ever so cheeky and chearful one, or Pinky the so call Ah lian one, or Juanita the garang one. Personally I really wished Dawn will win this as she has the bubbly personality, the looks and the figure. Arghhhhhhh can't wait tilll 7pm .. so whoever is going to be there see you there.

Signing offf.....

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The guy that is mad

Recently i text my ex wanting to talk to him and he called and shouted at me saying he loves his gf a lot a lot and I made her cry and all that shit. I was like WTF is happening I only wanted to ask a question and why are u telling me all this. Is the gf feeling effking insecure ???/ or he still likes me which I dont think soo coz we agreed last year its over but what the effking is wrong with me and appologize to me the next day saying the reason he shouted was cause his gf saw my message and cried. WTF is wrong with the girl.......she is seriously mentally illl man. Excuse me girl you are blardy in MELB and I am in KL 7 and 1/2 hours away by flight that cost RM1500 by air asia. So what are u sooo scared of. Sheesh what on the earth is she thinking and him it must run in their family i guess............Should I be crazy toooo hmmmm what do you think??????

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Now Stuck in the airport

Argh its exactly 1.48pm now and I am in the airport waiting for my flight back to KL. Hopefully this time the flight will be on time. Arghhhhh this is like the 4rd time in a month I came to Bintulu and to tell u guys the truth its not fun. But this time round I had the best fried noodles though. Hmmmmmm Hmmmmm reallly nice
the texture and allll unbelievable. Its some hand made noodles said to be without kan sui. Yum yum man reallly yummy. I could finish the plate so wasted. Wish I could pack it back for darling. He would go crazy over it. But never mind he will be happy to see me back in his arms....hehehehe. Its already 1.53pm and i am still waiting for boarding. But the plane from KL is not here yet so I think the flight is going to be delayed again.......sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I will blog more when I am in KL.........coz no mood and tired

In Bintulu

I m dead bored here waiting for time to just fly off so I can go back to KL and see my darling. Will blog more about this place when I get back and upload some picies.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The friday I got pretty drunk

I was really busy like reallly busy from Monday till like now and mind you very stress tooo from a tender submission on Monday. Therefore me being stress and all decided to say yes to the drinking session from my colleagues.

So off I left the office at 6.30 to pick KJ up to join us at Tao in TTDI. Not a bad place I would say for drinks after work and its really after work and i was there to get tipsy. So 5 of us down a bottle of Macallan Whiskey and 5 bottles of beer. After that I really could only remember being happy till I was home and till this morning when i saw a sms from my GM saying that he will be in the office at 10 am to do the costing with me. SIGHhhhhhh why can't that little happiness last a little more longer.

Anyway I am just happy that I spent the night not in the office till 11 pm every night and actually drinking till 11 pm. OK I guess that's all for now and I have to get abck to work and finish off stuff ...........seeee ya

Monday, April 13, 2009

Work work work

Is currently 9.20 pm and yes I am still in the office. i am taking this time off to blog a bit so that I wont be sleepy. i still have heaps and heaps of work to do and arghhhhhhhh I need to finish it by Thursday. Need to submit the tender on Monday arghhhhh. Oh just to inform all my readers I will be also participating in the Mardigras bazaar happening this Sunday (19/04/09) at Mardigras in One U in conjunction of the wet party. So guys do come and visit me cause we are going to shock you with interesting apparels. Ok I guesss I have to go back to work so I don't have to stay up till 5 in the morning to finish this. Tilll then


The nuisance

Recently there is this guy/gal that has been leaving nuisance comment on my blog and he/she named himself/herself as whitepigkiller. I really don't know who this person is cause it is really gila. So dear white pig killer if you don't know me please stop harassing me cause it effiking annoying and I am sure you would have something else better to do. Oh well I guess I cannot stop people from talking but may I know who are you????? Please common don't be a chicken and not tell me who you are as you are really ridiculous to comment stupid things on my blog. Anyway it was fun knowing people do read my blog and thanks white pig killer for even taking the time to comment meaning you really like visiting my blog.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Bits and pieces of april

Am really in love with Beatrice Looi's design. Will definately get one for my wedding. Weeeeeee....Talking bout clothings tommorow is gonna be the first time i am going to wear a saree out in public. So excited yet a bit nervous. Dont really know how it would be and how would people react. Hmmmmmm am sooo happy though and I can't wait to go to penang for a break. I really think I need a break already from all these site visits and tendering and work. I need to rest my brains.

Monday, April 06, 2009

March and all

March has come and go...

I have been really busy travelling because of work and at the same time have been busy with my other casual weekend thingy. Things with me and KJ has been going pretty well and will see how things go in future but I can see its getting bright. As for work, I really hope thigns will stay like how it is or a bit more better. As for the B**ch I am glad she will be leaving soon (forced or by free will) I am sooo glad that she will soon be out of my life. I reallly think I will go celebrate with the rest of her company's people and everyone else.

Last weekend KJ,E,JC and me went to pavillion for movies, lunch and a bit of shopping and also booze.....We even bumped into patrick and he joined us for drinks too. We ended up partying more back at my place with JC's friends and ended up pretty drunk.

So tilll i blog next toodles

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When you think everything is fine...........

I really dont understand why some people can be so difficult or rather not understanding. Maybe I am one of them too... Oh well I guess at times like this I am just glad that KJ sticks through thick and thin with me and will always be with me. I love U KJ..... I really hope things will work its way out for me. I know it will. On the other note I will be participating in the earth hour treadzoo event which is happening this weekend at cap square. So everyone please support me and my friends and come down to cap square and see what we have for you. We will be selling used clothings, bags and etc. So everyone come down and support us...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Off we went to Melaka yesterday for food.........We left KL at 10 after my darling arrived and had breaky at my place. Then we went to pick up E and off we went to Melaka. The weather was good as it was cloudy so by the time we reached Melaka it was 11.30am and we got our cars parked and then off we went to stop no 1.......

Yes its the chicken rice ball after the bridge..... then after half a chicken for 4 person and drinks we headed for ice kacang at jonkers street....... but we fail to take pictures of the food as we were too busy eating. Then I wanted to go for the cendol but darling did not want it so we missed out on the cendol but we had ice kacang, mixed fishball, laksa ordered by sis and guava plum juice. then with a full stomach and with the rain starting to pour we went to Dataran Pahlawan mall for shelter and to walk around. We decided to go for a movie while allowing our stomach to settle down the food we ate. Darling and I decided to watch Marley and me and sis and esther decided to sing karaoke. After our movies we went shopping while waiting for sis and esther to finish their karaoke session. Shopping it was for me as I bought nike stuff that were on discount, my kereatase shampoo and shoes. After all that we were hungry so off we went to have bbq pork rice located right opposite capitol satay celup. After that we drove around Melaka looking for my cendol and there wasnt any to be found so we settled for Melaka's famous O chien introduced by sis's friend. After all that food we headed back to KL and reached home at 11 pm. I really pity my darling coz he drove all the way and he is feeling really tired and exhausted today sighhh..... guess I will ahve to sayang sayang him today. I love you darling......muaks

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yes I mean it. Why does this particular gal keeps talking to people around her about me. Just because I dated her friend. Its not like she doesnt have a bf she has. Then why is she jealous, I can only think of one reason thats cause she wants the guy. If it is not then why be jealous???? really dont understand and the best part is it has already been 6 months since we talked to each other and yet she acts like a total B**CH. Who she thinks she is a princess, why does she have to bad mouth about me. Is she jealous cause she has been jealous about the things I do and have before but why? JUst weird so if the B**CH reads this stop bad mouthing about me or anyone. No wonder she don't dare to even look me in the eye....I know it must be the guilt that she have in her heart. Really if you have nothing else to do please go get married and have children then you will be busy. Just dont understand you are older than me but yet loves to talk bad about me to others. I really hope that B**CH reads this and if u are not a pussy come confront me and tell me straight in my face. But knowing her big mouth she will go tell her friends that are friends with me too about me and bla bla bla bla.

Anyway I really have never met this kind of people before in my life ......

Things That i do to make life complicated

Sometimes I really think I complicate things a lot but sometimes I meant good. I think KJ is right. I think way to much for my brain to digest. The thing is if I dont think....arghhh ok lets not get to why I think to much. Friends are meant to be there for you when you need them not when they need you only. I feel that people are more protected when they are with families but when they are in a foreign country they tend to trust and count on friends more, but I guess cause they dont have anyone else. I always have problem with friends back here. I really dont understand why. Maybe I am tooo naive and dumb and people here in KL too smart for me. I reallly complicate things for me I think I reallly over do a lot of things and this really sometimes spoils everything. Oh well whatever it is I still have KJ here to love and protect me no matter what. I really am hurt when T betrayed my trust and told me that he will be back for me but he never did. I for that really hates him. I think a guy should never lie to their other half. Maybe T thinks I am not good enough for him but it doesnt matter anymore coz KJ will always appreciate me and love me. I believe he will try his best to make it there for us. I know my parents will be against it but KJ you will prove them wrong I know. I know u will love and care for me and make me the happiest woman on earth.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I cannot wait tilll tonite I am going to get my cloth for my saree. Then to the tailor it shall be......wooo hoooo will show u how it looks like..

Till then I hope time will just fly by.

Last night.......

Things with me and him have been going really well till recently when reality hits us no wait just me that I wanna have a family before I turn 30 but really if it is gonna happen between me and him or its just a fairy tale. In any case I really dont wanna think about it anymore......just being with him and around him makes me happy. I love his company his laughter the way he shows his love for me. Its just really sweet. With him I don't have to give a lot to receive all this. Last nite I have made up my mind to just try our best to make things workout for us no matter what. Like they say IF ITS MEANT TO BE ITS MEANT TO BE .........

LOVE IS BLIND until reality hits.....but there is always a solution to everything rite

I guess all I can do is just hope and I guess hope and faith is the thing that makes tommorow better.

Till then.....I will just believe.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Getting Young Anymore

As the title says I am old already. Most people my age would have been getting married or married but me still having fun dilly dallying about what's going to happen to my life. Maybe I am not ready for marriage but oh well not everyone is at my age. I think I really need to buck up and work harder and earn my first million at the age of 30. Ha ha ha ha like that's gonna happen but you know what they say its good to have dreams. But this dream is a ridiculous dream how can you dream of dreams that will not come true. So now I have to work hard and chase that dream hahahahahahahaha.....
Till then guy may all your dreams come true

Friday, February 13, 2009

Delayed CNY post


Ermmm reallly belated post......Really this year's CNY is not much of a different than any other years.
The first day of CNY as the normal tradition we wished our parents Gong Hei Fatt Choy and good wealth for the year and they will give each of us an angpau. After that we have our breakfast and then just rest at home while waiting for my aunts and uncles to arrive in the afternoon to have to have dinner at our house.

as u can see all of us were in red and what is CNY without cookies ........

Then came dinner time and this is what we had....

Then on the 15th day of CNY I was suppose to treat the family to a restaurant dinner and when I say family I mean FAMILY............

that includes the cousins toooo.........

Anyway I had a goood CNY this year.....I wished all my readers out there GONG XI FA CHAI may you all have a wealthy and healthy year...

Tour de langkawi

This morning I woke up and left the house a bit earlier than usual thinking to be in the office early. I left the house at 8am and by the time i was at the highway heading to lebuhraya mahameru I was already stuck in a crawl. Arghhhhhhhhh then i heard the radio saying that the road will be close due to the tour de langkawi event. I was like arghhh why la they did not inform us earlier like put in on the papers few days earlier or something. Dammm I will be sooo stuck in the LDP jam. and I can't turn out coz I am already stuck here. The roads will be close from 8.30 till 9.30 am..... who the hell closes the road for so long and also on a friday and also during peak times. Arghhhhhhh.....

The best part is when I reached the exit to LDP from Penchala Link i was stuck in a stand still jam and the best part is everyone was out of the car. Dammmm the roads just closed. so me being me zI got off the car and took some pictures.

This was taken on the penchala link exit to ldp. Seee.....

Then the royal crowd arrives on their bikes.........

10 min after that the roads were reopen. As soon as i arrived at work all my other colleagues were complaining about the bad jam this morning. So at least I am not the only one.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY eve

This year's CNY preparation started 2 days before CNY eve. On friday I was home early cause our office gave us half day off. As soon as I came home I showered then went to sleep for a while. Later in the evening I started frying crackers for CNY. I was literally frying from 6 pm till 11 pm. Then came sat which is the day before the Reunion dinner. Sadly to say mom woke me up at 8 am to go marketing with her and run errands with her. By the time I got home it was 12 noon already. I then quickly rushed out to meet KJ coz I will not be seeing him for the next few days. Then I got home at 3 pm and started frying chips for CNY while my youngest sis made cookies. We finished everything at 11 pm. Then I went to bed straight away till sunday where I had to wake up at 6.30 to pick my sisters up from LCCT. As soon as we got home, mom was already asking us to have breakfast as we needed to go to our grandma's house to do the cny prayers. By the time we got home from that it was already 1 in the afternoon and mom was busy cooking for the reunion dinner. I then brought my sisters to bangsar for treading as they wanted to do it before cny. When I got home mom wanted me to help her cook, so I was helping mom cook till 7 pm and then i quickly shower after that and went straight to the table for the dinner. After dinner we rest a while before we mopped the flour as in chinese tradition we are not allowed to clean the house on the first day of CNY so mom wants us to clean the floor and make sure that it was sparkling clean. After cleaning we had to do the CNY eve prayers and then we all went to bed as we were really tired.
Did not take any pictures of the dishes as I totally forgotten about it. But its ok I have pictures of what we had for the first day of CNY....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Nothing to do

I am stuck in KJ's office cause he has last minute changes to be done but luckly i have my computer with me so i can go online. This laptop is bullying me i cannot log on to msn sooo sad arghhhh. But its ok I have already requested one so I will be able to get my new lap top soon. Anyways am still waiting for him to finish sooo bored. I was thinking maybe I should blog about what I have to do this weekend. First up pn saturday I have to change my sis's air asia ticket then attend a wedding then head down to Kuala Selangor for dinner and to get prawn crackers for CNY. AFter all that I will need to be home by 9 plus to go with my mom to KLIA to pick up our shipment from Melb that my sis shipped last week. So thats sat. Then sun I have my company's annual dinner at KL tower. So I have to get my camera charged for pics cause the theme of this dinner is Glamourous. So will see who will be miss glam and mr glam.
So wishing KJ will finish sooon. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH never mind at least I with him.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

When you found love

There is this time in life where I thought I will be with my ex forever as I have never thought that he would have left me in KL all alone for 3 years till I said to myself enough is enough where I ended all my misery. I always thought that if you treat the guy well he will do the same to you and will want to be by your side and protect you. Maybe I was wrong or maybe that was just a fairy tale thinking. Now after being left alone and all I have finally be happy for once and found someone that will no matter what care for me love me and able to tell me everything is going to be fine coz he will be here for me. This time my relationship is very different, I know he might be indian but does it matter? I think what matters most is the guy has to love and care for me and treat me like a princess. KJ can give me all that and more. So what more do I wanna ask for?? I guess I am satisfied and happy already...............Love u KJ


Right after I got back from Melbourne I was off to another holiday with KJ and B. This time it was Langkawi. We were there from the 30th till new years day. We had heaps of fun and for the first time in my life I was surprised. KJ gave me a ring to seal the deal. Oh yes the deal was sealed when the fireworks was on. It was the most romantic and nicest gift ever. It was funny how i just ended a relationship a few days ago and started on another one soon after that, but I know he has had feelings for me already. Just that its not fair for me to start on one when the other one is not over yet. But the kekokness when he actually told me he has something for me..I was surprised and kinda shy in a way coz no one has ever given me a ring without me choosing it. Anyway back to the trip, as soon as we arrived we bought a bottle of vodka at the airport then rented a car and went to the hotel. Right after we checked in we went out for beers and pizza at debbie's bar right opp our hotel. Later at nite we went back to the hotel and played some card games. too bad my darling Kj dont really know how to play so its me and B. The rule whoever lose drink up. So at the end of the nite ben lost and was drunk. On the next day we went to kuah town and also to tanjung rhu beach. Sadly enough we did not take any pics but we had a lot and i mean a lot of food. Then at nite we just went to some pizza shop near our hotel before going to the beach for the count down. We were amazed as the food was fantastic and i mean fantastic. I had the best carbonara ever. Its sooo creamy and so nice that 3 of us had 2 servings of carbonara marinara and a large pizza garlic and cheese bread. The best part to this meal is we only paid RM80 including drinks. Then was the fireworks at pantai cenang and also the surpise my dalring gave me. After that was out normal card playing session which made ben drunk again. After that we called it a nite. The last and final day in Langkawi was spend on cenang beach and driving around Langkawi. We even did the seven wells and trust me its not recomended for those who are unfit. As we wave goodbye to langkawi we were telling ourselves that we are going to be back for more drinks and food.

Melbourne Holidayz

Was sooo busy that I could only blog now.....
My holiday started in Melbourne from the 18th dec till the 28th dec. I had a great time there though I did not eat a lot or shop a lot but at least I have finally ended something and officially able to say its over. I am not being mean or anything but its not fair to me plus I can't keep that special someone waiting for me for month and month for an answer rite.. Hence when I was in Melbourne I have officially ended my relationship with T face to face and we both understand that its over. Thats one part of the trip, besides that this trip has also brought me closer to my family it has been a long long time since my whole family has actually gone for a family trip together. Before that its always my mom or my dad cannot make it. So this time we had fun fun fun.... here are some pics.....

As you can see we went to the great ocean road cherry picking and the drive around scenic tour. After all this it was actually christmas and christmas in Australia is not fun cause all the shops are closed. The only thing that is open will be the restaurants in China town, hence I arranged to meet up with my ex high school mates that are currently residing in Autralia. It was quite an awkward dinner but it was actually quite nice to find our whats everyone up to and hows everyone doing. We have changed so much that you could not imagine what we have become and changed since in high school. Then it was boxing day my favourite day of the year when I was in melbourne coz everything here is cheap and prices are really slashed. On boxing day my 2nd, 3rd, and fourth sis actually went crazy like me and got up at 5 am and rushed to Myers coz and did some early morning shopping. We shopped till 7 at myers then we went for breakfast at Hungry Jacks and continue shopping till 10 where I met up with my fren suzy. Then mom and my 5th sis came and we cont shopping at docklands where LEVIs jeans were 50% off. Then my sisters were all tired and drained so they decided to head home and catch a nap. Mom was like wanna go to collins st and see gucci and prada and LV...then mom and I went to collins st only to find out the line into Gucci was like nearly a 2 hours wait. I told mom to forget about it. We went to Polo and the line to pay was freaking long too. Arghhhh looks like we have to line up to go into every shop on collins st. Finally mom gave up and we just headed to Melbourne Central. After all this I was sooo freaking tired my legs were like refusing to walk and my body is like a zombie. I later went and have dinner with T and finally said my goodbyes to him. Got home at 11 ish shower and fell on bed and ony got up at 10 ish the next day. Then came the day I have to leave back to KL suzy was nice enough to drop me at the airport. I really miss her and everything in Melbourne. I know i will be back soon but this time I hope KJ will be able to join me......