A confused gal trying to look for comfort zone in this world. A person who doesn't know what she wants in life and what she needs. A person who doens't really know what is the meaning of true love. In conclusion I am just a blur and confused girl.
Monday, November 16, 2009
How time flies
Sometimes I feel like I should throw everything away and wishes that time will just fast forward in front of me till I am gone. I now live my life day by day minutes by minutes and seconds by seconds. Whatever that comes by me I will have to face it.
It feels like I let my life crumbled and fall because I wasn't brave enough to make the decision and step up 3 years back. Maybe things will be different then. Maybe I will not be this lost. What are you fighting for in life.........
What are you hoping for in life...........
I just feel lost and insecure..................
There is this hole in my heart that is growing bigger as time pass by.
K told me to be patient and things will be fine.
Maybe he is right. I will just sit here and go on with my life and hopes that one day i will see the light in this dark tunnel that I am in.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Given Up
Its not that I don't love KJ but just that its going to be impossible to have a family with him. My family won't accept it and how would his family react to all of this when they find out. I really ran out of ideas on what to do. How long is Kj willing to wait. Is he gonna be like Thomas and leave me for another girl in future if I cannot get marry to him. I really have no idea. We will see by then. I know its not fair to you KJ but then I really don't know what to do.
I reallly don't want to go out and look anymore. i don't want to love a person adn to find out my parents are not ok with him. I hate it. i rather not look anymore plus KJ treats me very well and loves me a lot. I just don't know what to do. Hopefully one day things will be clear for me. As for now I just want to be alone. I think maybe my mom wants me to be alone for the rest of my life.
I don't think I can take being alone for the rest of my life. Maybe I will just kill myself before i get old and sick and lonely.
I think I will not ever be that person who is always happy and cheerful anymore. That person is dead. Now I am just going to take one day at a time till the time comes. Therefore since my parents brought me up, paid for my education, my life is theirs and hence I will do whatever they want me to do. So I guess i will try my very best to concentrate on thinking about something to build a company up. As for what I am doing it, its all because of my parents.
Therefore, from today onwards I have to learn to live alone, take care of myself and also but a funeral insurance for myself. In case when I die who is going to settle my funeral. I have decided to not to burried but just cremate and throw my ashes into the sea or some forest so in future since there is not going to be anyone to visit me so I guess leave nothing behind is the best.
So we will see how it goes. As for now just be happy for what I have and be glad that I still have people that loves me.
Friday, October 02, 2009
I am ALIVE !!!!
i) I dont know what to write about...its not that nothing is happening to my life its just some
things i cannot blog about due to the sensitivity of the issue.
ii) I have been an emotional pot recently and its alll because of .......... I dont know why oh why..hence cannot concentrate on work and all.
iii) Been travelling a lot due to work
and 10 000 more other stupid reasons.
Recently i have been a super duper emo pot ( as I mentioned) cause I really don't know what to do with my pathetic little life. I have nothing much to look forward to as I see my life just passes by like that.
Maybe because I have lost all hopes after ..... Until today I cannot tell myself there is still hope. The way I see things changed day by day. I am starting to not hope for anything to happen to my life. I am starting to tell myself not to look forward to anything in life. Maybe then one day I will be able to come out of the dark and see the bright light again.
I am not sure what have I done wrong...
Maybe life's unfair and when shits happen u have to live with it and suck it up and continue the journey.
Till I blog next....tata
Friday, June 19, 2009
Losing it
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Me in June
So here goes. What happen to me in June.
I recently got a raise from my current work place and it was a good raise despite us facing a bad economy. I was happy but also was pretty upset with my CEO because he is reallly being hard on my department, but its all work right.
Kajen and I are getting along better and better I would say. He understands me and loves me a lot. I am really happy to have him and really hope things will work out. I celebrated his birthday by surprising him in the office with cupcakes. I really could not describe the look on his face when i surprised him. :)
Ok back to work will blog later.......
Friday, May 15, 2009

I really can't wait its like a fairy tale to me now.
I love you darling.....muaks
MDG Finals
Signing offf.....
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
The guy that is mad
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Now Stuck in the airport
the texture and allll unbelievable. Its some hand made noodles said to be without kan sui. Yum yum man reallly yummy. I could finish the plate so wasted. Wish I could pack it back for darling. He would go crazy over it. But never mind he will be happy to see me back in his arms....hehehehe. Its already 1.53pm and i am still waiting for boarding. But the plane from KL is not here yet so I think the flight is going to be delayed again.......sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I will blog more when I am in KL.........coz no mood and tired
In Bintulu
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The friday I got pretty drunk
So off I left the office at 6.30 to pick KJ up to join us at Tao in TTDI. Not a bad place I would say for drinks after work and its really after work and i was there to get tipsy. So 5 of us down a bottle of Macallan Whiskey and 5 bottles of beer. After that I really could only remember being happy till I was home and till this morning when i saw a sms from my GM saying that he will be in the office at 10 am to do the costing with me. SIGHhhhhhh why can't that little happiness last a little more longer.
Anyway I am just happy that I spent the night not in the office till 11 pm every night and actually drinking till 11 pm. OK I guess that's all for now and I have to get abck to work and finish off stuff ...........seeee ya
Monday, April 13, 2009
Work work work
The nuisance
Friday, April 10, 2009
Bits and pieces of april
Monday, April 06, 2009
March and all

So tilll i blog next toodles
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
When you think everything is fine...........
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yes its the chicken rice ball after the bridge..... then after half a chicken for 4 person and drinks we headed for ice kacang at jonkers street....... but we fail to take pictures of the food as we were too busy eating. Then I wanted to go for the cendol but darling did not want it so we missed out on the cendol but we had ice kacang, mixed fishball, laksa ordered by sis and guava plum juice. then with a full stomach and with the rain starting to pour we went to Dataran Pahlawan mall for shelter and to walk around. We decided to go for a movie while allowing our stomach to settle down the food we ate. Darling and I decided to watch Marley and me and sis and esther decided to sing karaoke. After our movies we went shopping while waiting for sis and esther to finish their karaoke session. Shopping it was for me as I bought nike stuff that were on discount, my kereatase shampoo and shoes. After all that we were hungry so off we went to have bbq pork rice located right opposite capitol satay celup. After that we drove around Melaka looking for my cendol and there wasnt any to be found so we settled for Melaka's famous O chien introduced by sis's friend. After all that food we headed back to KL and reached home at 11 pm. I really pity my darling coz he drove all the way and he is feeling really tired and exhausted today sighhh..... guess I will ahve to sayang sayang him today. I love you darling......muaks
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Anyway I really have never met this kind of people before in my life ......
Things That i do to make life complicated
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Till then I hope time will just fly by.
Last night.......
LOVE IS BLIND until reality hits.....but there is always a solution to everything rite
I guess all I can do is just hope and I guess hope and faith is the thing that makes tommorow better.
Till then.....I will just believe.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Not Getting Young Anymore
Till then guy may all your dreams come true
Friday, February 13, 2009
Delayed CNY post

Then on the 15th day of CNY I was suppose to treat the family to a restaurant dinner and when I say family I mean FAMILY............

that includes the cousins toooo.........
Anyway I had a goood CNY this year.....I wished all my readers out there GONG XI FA CHAI may you all have a wealthy and healthy year...
Tour de langkawi
This was taken on the penchala link exit to ldp. Seee.....
Then the royal crowd arrives on their bikes.........
10 min after that the roads were reopen. As soon as i arrived at work all my other colleagues were complaining about the bad jam this morning. So at least I am not the only one.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
CNY eve
Did not take any pictures of the dishes as I totally forgotten about it. But its ok I have pictures of what we had for the first day of CNY....
Friday, January 16, 2009
Nothing to do
So wishing KJ will finish sooon. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH never mind at least I with him.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
When you found love
Melbourne Holidayz

As you can see we went to the great ocean road cherry picking and the drive around scenic tour. After all this it was actually christmas and christmas in Australia is not fun cause all the shops are closed. The only thing that is open will be the restaurants in China town, hence I arranged to meet up with my ex high school mates that are currently residing in Autralia. It was quite an awkward dinner but it was actually quite nice to find our whats everyone up to and hows everyone doing. We have changed so much that you could not imagine what we have become and changed since in high school. Then it was boxing day my favourite day of the year when I was in melbourne coz everything here is cheap and prices are really slashed. On boxing day my 2nd, 3rd, and fourth sis actually went crazy like me and got up at 5 am and rushed to Myers coz and did some early morning shopping. We shopped till 7 at myers then we went for breakfast at Hungry Jacks and continue shopping till 10 where I met up with my fren suzy. Then mom and my 5th sis came and we cont shopping at docklands where LEVIs jeans were 50% off. Then my sisters were all tired and drained so they decided to head home and catch a nap. Mom was like wanna go to collins st and see gucci and prada and LV...then mom and I went to collins st only to find out the line into Gucci was like nearly a 2 hours wait. I told mom to forget about it. We went to Polo and the line to pay was freaking long too. Arghhhh looks like we have to line up to go into every shop on collins st. Finally mom gave up and we just headed to Melbourne Central. After all this I was sooo freaking tired my legs were like refusing to walk and my body is like a zombie. I later went and have dinner with T and finally said my goodbyes to him. Got home at 11 ish shower and fell on bed and ony got up at 10 ish the next day. Then came the day I have to leave back to KL suzy was nice enough to drop me at the airport. I really miss her and everything in Melbourne. I know i will be back soon but this time I hope KJ will be able to join me......