A confused gal trying to look for comfort zone in this world. A person who doesn't know what she wants in life and what she needs. A person who doens't really know what is the meaning of true love. In conclusion I am just a blur and confused girl.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
New online boutique blog.....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Am in kerteh and bored......
Will upload some pic once i am back in KL as i have stupidly left my cable at home.
Anyway I just came to this town yesterday and last nite I was bored already. The worst part to this is I must be a sooo forgetful that I left my toiletries in my gym bag. Stupid me !!!!
So now I am in the hotel and have to use the hotels soap which is ok I guesss but I am sooo used to my Keratease and my body shop shower gel.....:( I know even KJ say I am a princess but but but.........
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
My new hobby
Life is short and you only have one mom and you better cherish it while she is still here. Thats what everyone will tell you. But what if they are trying to make ur life hell what should you do?
I really hope I can one day tell my mom everything and hope she understands. Not everyone has to think like their moms but I wished she understands me and where I am coming from.
I wish things will take a sharp turn from now on.
Friday, October 24, 2008
t o c k t i c k y t i c k t o c k..............
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Wedding Invitation Cards

The above is an indian wedding invitation card .....u see red colour.....
The below is a chinese one... u see pink in colour also

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What do you do when your family does not have a son....
Mom : you all have to come back and have dinner with mummy and daddy after ur dinner there..
Me : but then it will be 9 or 10......
Mom : ( went quiet...........)
Me : If not like that la you do it afternoon.
Mom : haiyaaa see hyow la when the time comes.
Thats how the conversation ended.....
And then out of th blue dunno what happen last nite the topic started again......
Me : Mummy I got an idea how i can come back for cny eve dinner and do all the chinese tradition. I marry a non chinese lor then I can come back anytime for all chinese occassion and the best part is he can come along too. Isnt that good. i find a buddhist guy then its ok rite. Maybe can cari mat salleh also.
Mom : Ermmmmmmm but if u cari mat salleh what if he takes u away from the country.
Me : Then I go for indians and sikh la.
Mom : Indian you have to look for the modern one that don't use bunga melur as their perfume.
Me : ermmmmmmm see la...............
Mom : went silent
Me : thinking (* I think she knows I am right*) hahahahahaahahahahaha.
OK so AI think I have to either look for a guy that doesnt have parents or a modern indian guy or dont get married......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
What a month...
Friday, September 19, 2008
I have totally given up in relationships. What are relationships for when you dont enjoy it. I rather have partners and just be happy with. Just someone that will be there for me when I am sad and that will be there for me when I am happy to share all my feelings and also allow me to care for him too. I think its really hard to find someone that you love and loved you back. Its hard to find someone that will be able to take care of you and not only just financially but mentally. Nowadays its really hard to get guys that can do these. I am not asking the person to be a certain race or a certain standard in life. All I ask for is not a lot. I really think sometimes when people say that T really loves me and all...... but he left me to be all alone for so many years. How do I feel?????
Things are just gonna be different....in relationships everyone has to sacrifice or put a foot out. We have to be able to accept our partners flaws and learn to love them for who we are. What have I got after all these years.........
So in Dec I will shop til I drop and drink til I drop. This means I have to detox detox and detox in Jan. Oh well I guess its worth it. Anyway will be going to Kristy's full moon party tommorow so I will update you guys soon.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The wake up calll
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What would you do when you are lost and confused. When you can only work when someone tells you to and go when someone pushes you. What should I do......
I really cannot go on being like that being soooo useless being so f*** up and all I can do is sit and cry and wishes that you never ever had even a tiny bit of feelings for this person. I am so sad that T is never around for me and I have been in a lot of emotional turmoil because he left me here nearly 3 years ago promising that he will return for me but he never did and never thought of it. Maybe he is never the guy for me. Who am I kidding. Yes they say love is really complex because you sacrifice everything for it. However have we ever thought are we getting something out of this sacrifice we make. Have we ever thought that if the person never will sacrifice for you and all he does is take from you.
When you know about it its too late already cause everything has been taken from you and all is left for you to pick up your life is just an empty shell with all you can try to fill in but it will never ever work cause it will not be the same anymore.
I am feeling empty, lost, clueless and pain.............
How long must this last for me. I dont want to celebrate my 25th birthday all alone again, not this year again. T promises that he will come back for my birthday and we will celebrate christmas and new year's together but I guesss this is all just a dream which will never come true because he doesnt want to come back. I guess I have to accpet the fact that life's never fair to you........... so learn to live with it as much as you can before it gets worst i guess..
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Is it Love or Like
Just hard.....
At the moment I am hungry and tired can someone tell me what to eat please??
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tired, stress, confussed and uncertain..

Monday, August 18, 2008
The day when friends become enemies
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
How much is enough.
Yes I meant by money how much money you need is enough for one.....
Besides that how much can one take is enough from life, relationship and work.
Is there a limit or a bottom line if yes then what is it for D...and me??
Some people might think love is everything in a relationship... but have you ever thought, can love put food on your table and get u shinning gifts? I am sure some gals are dating because of love and feelings, but have they every thought that can their partner provide for them. If they say they dont need that they can live with what they have... then why do you still get jealous when you see people getting gifts and romantic dinner and getaway from their boy friend. The fact that we gals would like to be spoiled by our love ones. So do I.
So sometimes dont say things like I dont need this and that because we do to a certain extend.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Back from a whole lot of travelling....
Since I cannot watch the trailer You DOn't Mess With Zohan I really wanna watch Wall E. Plus I really wanted to watched this movie for a very very very very long time. Ok not that long just since the preview is out. Its cute........when wall e wanna hold hands.... How nice if falling in olove and being by each other is like 123......For more info on Wall•E, click here;
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The X factor
We were just getting to know each other better and learn to understand each others needs......
What should I do when he stops to think of her.....
Should I leave or should I stay.......
My heart tells me to stay as it is worth it because when u really enjoy and love that someone u will want to be able to cherish every second and minute you have with him. No matter if it will only last just a day....... thats heart talk.
As for reality wise he should just choose and learn to face the music and for me I should think twice of this man rite.... since he stop and hessitate between the new gal and the X.
I realize one thing in life is where you have missed the oppurtunity to love and to have someone, you might not have a chance to be with that someone again. I guess its the same for everything in life. You cannot regret or cry or try to grab the chance back. Coz when the time is over it is over. If you have had a second chance make sure the mistake is not being repeated again and make sure it is being cherish. Chances and Oppurtunity does not have take two in lifes.
To everyone that is reading this please understand that when the oppurtunity is set and given to you right in front of your face and you just let it go. Then you will have to wait for another chance.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Another month......
Sunday, June 29, 2008
KLue Urbanscapes
The berrylicious Choccolate Pavlova is still sooo sooo nice. Hmmmmm I guess thats all for now.
Updates for May and June
Now besides the relationship thing recently I met Mr T and I really think he is a funny and interesting guy. Hmmmmm interesting is not the word to put it. Maybe I would say he is a fun guy. Too bad he is always not free to spend time with any of his friends. Anyway I guess as they say there is no perfect person in this world. Anyway we will see what happens, I will just let it be for now. Besides that I guess nothing much has happen to my life besides the normal shopping and facebooking. I will try to blog more often.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Li lin's wedding

Thats me with the bride ..... before the whole things. Look how happy she is. Wishing u all the best in future in Sydney.

Shopping adventures.
But hey you know what when I was in the warehouse sale every gal was buying as crzy as me some evern crazier till the extend I think Rm2000 I think. See I am not that bad afterall.
Like that makes me feel better. hehehehehehe.
Life in the other end.
Friday, March 28, 2008
The future....
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Ups and Downs of Life
I really need to know what to do sometimes. Yes I know he gives me diamonds, flowers, chocolates, candies and even a lovely card. Yes I do feel touch by all this but I still need you to be by my side. I know I am childish by offending you, but have you ever thought how she offended me. Made me feel like shit and make me think that I am worthless. After that night's argument things have change and I know it will never be the same again. I can feel it. However, damage has been done. Like what she said to me its still hurts sometimes. I really hope that we can really workout, but I am afraid she is not letting it. I am really afraid.
Now there are so many things we have to fix before we can really be together. I do hope we can really work things out. I really do love you a lot and I can never find anyone to replace you. I am just afraid that we cannot work things out. Really afraid. Please someone tell me how to deal with it. Should I just sit quietly and take all this harsh comment or should I just let it go.
I am really stress when people ask me this:
X: When is T coming back
Me: I really dont know
X : What do you mean you don't know... I thought u are his gf.
Me: oh welll what cna I say with these gov thing.
X: U sure he still loves you ar???
Me: Yeah he does he said and I know.
X: Aiyaaaaaa u never know guys la.
Me: I know T very well he will not do anything to betray me.
X: You sure ka
Me: Aiyoooooooo......feel like dying if questions continues.
Everytime people ask me this I will surely feel like crying. What to do. Have to wait lor.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
CNY, Valentines and your birthday
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Was missing for the month

The trip was help at pd so we had bowling tournament and telematches. Then we gals venture out to go for a banana boat ride.
Then the following week cameour annual dinner and the theme was Zing and Zeal but our division was soo no Zing and Zeal but look what the HQ people came in.....

So did not have the time to go get a dress so just went with whatever I had. Actually I just bought this dress 2 weeks before my annual dinner, but it wasn't for the dinner just thought this dress was nice. Then after the annual dinner came my increment and muaks to everyone at the the top. I am quite happy wih the increment, but am still job hunting for a job in Singapore. So anyone out there knows any oil and gas company that needs people in Singapore please do tell me. I am looking for posts such as project engineer, procurement engineer and ermmmm I guesss thats all. Ok I will update more often in 2008. Fingers crossed.
Friday, January 04, 2008
The long awaited Post

Us taking more pixies before the countdown and the fireworks spectacular.
See these 2 guys below are the nicest gentlement cute and nice.
Plus at KL hilton the view is spectacular. Look at the view and the fireworks. Its really the best ever.
That's all.